laying with my laundry (prose)
I take my clothes out of the dryer immediately after the buzzer goes off.
I love how my hoodie holds onto the heat
and the muted aroma of the detergent my mama told me I should use
Today I threw my freshly dried clothes onto the bed and cast myself into their warmth.
While I lay in the linen,
I contended that this is my femininity.
I have some power here in this pile.
He always told me that doing the laundry was my job.
Maybe that's why I never did it.
Laying in my laundry made me realize that I do find joy in doing the task they say the women should do.
There’s something about a cycle that I understand so well.
I go through like 12 of them a year.
I lay in my laundry knowing that I completed another cycle. And I did it well.
I lay in the clothes that they stared me down in
I washed their gaze off of my linen.
Now I can breathe a little better.
I’m not mad at my mama or aunties for asking if I did my laundry
They knew how to lay with it before I did
I wish I learned sooner.